Overdrive Direct Clutch Hub Plate

About this product

The Overdrive Direct Clutch Hub Plate (#34616-30010), a pivotal Drive-Chassis component within the Overdrive Gear (Atm) system, plays a crucial role in regulating your Toyota vehicle's transmission. By transferring the rotational energy from the engine to the transmission, it helps to regulate the vehicle's speed and torque, thus acting as a key player in your vehicle's operation. This part is subject to considerable wear and tear. If the Overdrive Direct Clutch Hub Plate (#34616-30010) becomes worn, broken, or non-functional, it can disrupt the synchronisation between the engine and transmission, leading to inefficient vehicle operation or even transmission failure. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are known for their high compatibility with Toyota vehicles and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacement with genuine parts can prolong the lifespan of your vehicle and improve its performance. Overall, the Overdrive Direct Clutch Hub Plate (#34616-30010) is a crucial part that contributes to the smooth and efficient operation of the vehicle, boosting both its performance and safety.